Sunday, February 12, 2012


Eeeee! The first Juju's Soaps blog post. I'm not going to try to fit everything in here all at once, because, well, this is the internet, and I essentially have an eternity of posts that I will be able to use.

For starters, I'm Juju, the slightly eccentric creator of handmade soaps and hopefully, one day, an entire series of bath product lines. Since I'm just getting started (officially since November 2011), I'm trying to focus on the basics. I have a few soaps that people have fell in love with that I will most likely keep in stock regularly or readily able to be made:

  1. sandalwood and jasmine, with cornmeal exfolient
  2. rosemary and sage
  3. lavender and oatmeal
  4. milk, honey, and olive oil

I try to experiment as often as possible and have actually had a lot of success with those. There have also been duds, like my original ginger soap that was just ... not good. I've tried to write down most of my recipes, but honestly, I go by intuition a lot of the time. And my recipes are more like guidelines, anyway, if I may quote "Pirates of the Caribbean."

Anyway, this blog is mainly going to be updates for my soaps, but I'm also going to write about other things that are pertinent to what I'm doing: buying local, making your own soap and other household products, natural alternatives for cleaning, etc. I'll probably be looking for guest bloggers, too, so if you are interested, shoot me an email and we'll figure something out!

Here's looking to an awesome adventure!

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